11 February 2002
Operational Oceanography and Remote Sensing
Date & Location: 5-7
March 2002,
ExCel (Exhibition Centre London), London, U.K.
Special Sub-session : Ocean Models for Defence-Related Initiatives
The AMRS (Alliance for Marine
Remote Sensing) Association will hold a special session on defence-related initiatives
as a component of its Operational Oceanography Symposium, 5-7 March 2002, London,
UK. The session will focus on the assimilation of remote sensing data into ocean
models used by the military.
According to Richard Olsen, principal scientist with the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, president of the AMRS Association and one of the organizers of the special session, "The world's navies require accurate now-casts and forecasts of ocean conditions to carry out rapid environmental assessment, for example. This involves operational oceanography on regional scales and has recently been demonstrated during several military exercises".
The session's scope will encompass a number of topics, including fusion of satellite data with in situ oceanographic data and those collected from other platforms, such as aircraft and land-based systems, the assimilation of derived data and information products into model forecasts, with an emphasis on regional oceanographic conditions and the sound propagation environment, and case studies.
The special half-day session will include a number of invited speakers from Canada, the U.S. and Western Europe. In addition to invited speakers, the AMRS Association is providing an opportunity for other members of the marine community to address the session, either through oral or interactive poster presentations. Abstracts may be submitted online via the symposium's Web site prior to 21 December 2001.
AMRS' Operational Oceanography
Symposium is being held in conjunction with the Oceanology International (OI)
Conference and Trade Show. OI is held in the U.K. every two years and draws
approximately 5,000 attendees and over 300 exhibitors. The Association's board
of directors developed the operational oceanography theme during their meeting
in June 2001. Since then, a number of key agencies have agreed to participate,
including ESA, NASA, CSA, BNSC, NOAA, the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing,
the Canadian Ice Services, the U.S. National Ice Centre, Canada's Trade Commissioner
Service and the Atlantic Provinces of Canada
Symposium Agenda: (as of 14 January 2002)
Hosted by: The Alliance for Marine Remote Sensing Association.
Sponsored by: European Space
Agency, NASA, Canadian Space Agency, British National Space Centre, NOAA, Canada
Centre for Remote Sensing, U.S. Office of Naval Research (IFO), Canadian Defence
Research Establishment Atlantic, U.S. National Ice Centre, Canadian Ice Services,
Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, Industry Canada
Tuesday, 5 March AM (10:00 to 12:00)
Ocean Models for Defence Related Initiatives
Session Co-chairs: Richard Olsen (FFI, Norway) and Dan Hutt (DREA, Canada)
10:00 Welcome by Symposium Chairman
Brian G. Whitehouse (Orion Emma Associates, Canada)
10:05 Keynote Presentation:
Operational Oceanography, Deep Water Oceanography
- Getting It Right
William Jobst, Director, Oceanography Division
Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, USA
10:35 Characterizing the Marine Environment
Using A Feature-based Approach
Neil Stapleton, QinetiQ, Dorset, U.K.
10:55 SOAP: An Operational Forecast System
for Defence Applications
Didier Jourdan, SHOM, Centre Militaire d'Oceanographie, Toulouse, France
11:15 Five Minute Stretch
11:20 Ocean Thermal Analysis
Theodore Bennett, Jr, Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space Center, USA
11:40 The Met Office's System for Deep Ocean
Mike Bell, U.K. Met Office, Bracknell, U.K.
Tuesday, 5 March PM (13:30 to 17:10)
Ocean Models for Defence Related Initiatives - Continued
13:30 The U.S. Navy's Real-time Global Nowcast
/ Forecast Systems
Robert Rhodes, Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, USA
13:50 The Mercator Data Assimilation System
Benoit Tranchant, CERFACS, Toulouse, France
14:10 Presenting the Environment for Military
JJ Bowley, Tenet Defence Ltd, Horsham, U.K.
14:30 Fusion of Oceanographic Data for Nowcasts
Dewain Emrich, Formation Oceanographer, Operations Support Centre (Pacific),
Victoria, Canada
14:50 Refreshment Break & Poster Session
15:50 Minimal Observational Requirements
for Operational Ocean Prediction
Jurgen Sellschopp, FWG, Kiel, Germany
16:10 Acoustic Modeling on the Scotian Shelf
Using In Situ, Climatological and Forecast Sound Velocity Structures
John Osler, Defence Research Establishment Atlantic, Halifax, Canada
16:30 Predicting Underwater Acoustical Propagation
Harm Greidanus, TNO Physics and Electronics Lab, Den Haag, The Netherlands
16:50 Operational Remote Sensing and
In Situ Data Processing at the Naval Oceanographic Office
Scott Klingenberger, Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space Center, USA
Poster Presentations for Defence Session
Canadian Activities in Assessment of Underwater
Acoustical Environment with the Aid of Satellite Remote Sensing
Dan Hutt, Defence Research Establishment Atlantic, Halifax, Canada
Improved Algorithms for the NOAA Sea Surface
Temperature Products for POES and GOES
Eileen Maturi, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, USA
Oceanographic Analysis and Forecasting during
Strong Resolve 2002: Situation Report
Richard Olsen, FFI, Kjeller, Norway
Methods for Surface-to-subsurface Velocity Projection
Colin Shen, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA